Pelvic Pain or ICIs this how you feel?

Do you have to urinate frequetly?
Yes No

Do you have pressure in your bladder?
Yes No

Do you wake up more than once each night to urinate?
Yes No

Do you feel unexplained pain or pressure in your vagina, pelvis, lower abdomen ore external genitalia?
Yes No

Do you have pain or discomfort when participating in sexual activity?
Yes No


Review the questions above. If you responded yes to any of the above questions you may be experiencing IC.

What is IC?
IC or Interstitial Cystitis is a chronic inflammatory bladder disorder that can be difficult to diagnose. The symptoms of IC are closely related to several other problems.? That is why it is important to be open and honest with your doctor. Making the most of your time with your doctor will increase your chances for successfull treatment.

Before you visit!

  1. Write down all of your symptoms
  2. Keep a log of how many times you go to the bathroom
  3. Be careful of what foods you eat? (spicy foods will sometimes cause painful feelings in the bladder)

It is always important to follow all directions provided by the doctor and continue to visit your doctor as scheduled.

