Testicular Cancer

The testicles are formed near the kidneys and later decend into the scrotum. The two testes are the male sex organs that produce sperm and male hormones. In addition to their role in the male reproductive system, the testes are also an endocrine gland because they secrete testosterone. While the location of the testes is vulnerable to injury, it provides a cooler temperature for the organs. A cooler enviroment is necessary for healthy sperm production.

Testicular cancer occurs in the testicles. This type of cancer is rare, however, more common type of cancer among American males between the ages of 15 and 34. Testicular cancer is highly treatable and depending on the type and stage, only one treatment may be needed. Regular self-examinations can help identify growths early, when the chance for successful treatment if highest.

Pain, swelling or a lump in your testicle or groin area may be a sign or symptom of testicular cancer or other medical conditions requiring treatment. Cancer usually affects only one testicle.

Signs and symptoms of testicular cancer include:
  1. A lump or enlargement in either testicle
  2. A feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  3. A dull ache in the abdomen or groin
  4. A sudden collection of fluid in the scrotum
  5. Pain or discomfort in a testicle or the scrotum
  6. Enlargement or tenderness of the breasts
  7. Unexplained fatigue or a general feeling of not being well

If you detect any of the previous symptoms(especially if they las longer than two weeks), please contact the office for an evaluation.

It's not clear what causes testicular cancer for certain. What is known is that testicular cancer occurs when healthy cells in the testicle become altered. Healthy cells grow and divide to keep the body functioning normally. Sometimes some of the health cells develop abnormalities, causing uncontrollable growth. As a result, the accumulating cells form a mass in the testicle.

Certain factors may also lead to testicular cancer, but not always.
  1. An undescended testicle (more info)
  2. Abnormal testicle development
  3. Family history with testicular cancer
  4. Age (15-34)
  5. Race

Ther are two types of testicular cancer. By determining the type of cancer a more precise treatment can be given.

The first type of testicular cancer is SEMINOMA. Seminoma tumors occur in all age groups, but more likely in older men. In general, seminoma tumors are not agressive and sensitive to radiation therapy.

The second type of testicular cancer is NONSEMINOMA. Nonseminoma tumore tednt to develo earlier in life and grow/spread rapidly. Several different types of nonseminoma tumors exist. They are sensitive to radiation therapy; Chemotherapy is also effective. WHAT IS TESTICULAR CANCER STAGE? The stage helps to determine how widely spread the cancer is. To determine wheather cancer has spread outside of your testicle, you may undergo an computerized tomogeaphy(CT Scan) or blood tests. These tests will determine which of the following stage fits your cancer.